Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Quick Note

My good friends Chris & Sarah Daly are working on bringing their short film Incognita to life. Chris and Sarah are the very definition of good people. True movie lovers and the little they've shared with me about Incognita sounds devious to the core. I want to see it folks. I. Want. To. See. It.

They're currently raising funds through Indie A Go Go, so if you have a little something to spare for an independant film that is actually, ya know- independant think about forking over a bit to help them out. I'll thank you for it.


le0pard13 said...

Sound cool, and worthy. Thanks, Bryce.

Anonymous said...

There is a debut horror novel out and on the front of the book cover it says: THE MOST FRIGHTENING HORROR NOVEL EVER WRITTEN. The book is called: THE LIFT by PAUL BRUCE. And is
available from: AMAZON, WATERSTONES
ETC.... And also on AMAZON KINDLE E-BOOK. Check it out. You could do a review of it in your blog if you want.