There's been no other filmmaker to have as great an effect on my personal life as Sam Raimi. I figure what better way to pay tribute then by hosting a week long celebration of his work?
And I'm calling on all of you to help me out, by spreading the word with one of the lovely banners below, and hopefully by contributing something. I hope that all of you who helped to make last years Christopher Nolan Blogothon such a great success will come out again. This event has the potential to be a lot of fun, which is the one element you'll never find lacking in Raimi's work. I've got a lot of things planned to make this more then the average Blogothon, and I hope when the time comes you'll be able to join in. It's going to be Groovy.
(If you like the above image as much as I do then you have my Internet Homeboy Deptford to thank for it. He runs a great webcomic called Surrealist Obituaries and yes it's all as wonderful as it seems. I highly recommend checking him out forthwith.)
I've got the banner up on my blog, and if I can contribute something, I will. Good-luck and thanks, Bryce.
Awesome! Count me in. I put up one of yer snazzy banners on my blog.
Anything with a name like that ought to be awesome. Count me in!
Banner displayed. My only dilemma is which Raimi film to write about.
Screw it - might have to do a retrospective!
@ leopard13: I hope you'll be able to contribute something le0pard13 you're always a great read.
@ JD: Much obliged good sir.
@ Andrew Green: Many thanks glad you like the name.
@ Neil: A retrospective would be awesome. And I say that for unselfish reasons as well.
trying to put a link up but I suck at this or Wordpress hates it.
my sidebar is too small for the images and even after I download one, resize it and then host it myself it still comes out too large...
I'll figure something out.
Can we choose pretty much any Raimi project, or are you wanting to narrow it down a bit to only directorial efforts? I doubt I'm going to get as obscure as doing "Spies Like Us" for the teeny tiny bit of Raimi content, but I thought I'd ask.
(Next Tarantino blogathon that I hear about, I'm doing that "Golden Girls" episode, I swear.)
@ John: That's weird, unfortunately I don't know much about Word Press. Thanks for trying.
@ Stacia: Go for it. Seriously, as long as you can tie it in feel free.
I've gotta give you the tip of the hat on that one, I had no idea that he was in that. And I call myself a superfan. BAH!
Awesome idea!!! I have posted a banner at Moon in the Gutter and will try and participate as well. All the best of luck with it!
Many thanks Jeremy hope to see you then!
Count me in, though I'm not sure what I'll cover...
I'll think of something.
I'm down for either Darkman or A Simple Plan (my favorite Raimi)...or I might try my hand at The Gift...a film I don't remember too much about, or maybe I'll defense Spider-Man 3...
This is a great idea, Bryce. I'm looking forward to contributing in some way.
woops...that should be "defend" not "defense." Hehe.
@ Darren: Many thanks man. You're stuff is so comic literate I can't help but think you'll find something very interesting to say.
@ Kev: I got to say I'll be looking forward to it no matter which you choose. Darkman is great (as is Plan) but it's nice to know I'm not the only Spiderman 3 apologist.
I'm down. I'll throw a banner up the first week of March.
Sounds great Stuart looking forward to it.
Looking forward to this for sure, brilliant idea! Have added the banner to my blog also :)
I'll oblige you by putting one on my's only new but any bastard that can scare the shit out of me like Raimi did when I was 14 with the Evil Dead is worth celebrating!
@awesomeartofhorror: If it's as good as your "Dark Side Of Disney" piece I'm in for a treat.
@ Brent: Your Blog may be new but like Neil said, you're doing it the right way. I look forward to your participation.
Banner on blog - consider FOR LOVE OF THE GAME covered end of March. Looking forward!
I have a review for Darkman on my blog that I did in December, if you're interested.
Sounds amazing, as Raimi was an important piece of my film development. I will post this on my blog and am planning to contribute! Thanks for the opportunity!
@Dave: Many thanks sir. I look forward to it.
@ Nine Fingers: You bet I am, if you'd do me a favor and email me the link I'd really appreciate it.
@Lee: Thank you sir.
It wouldn't let me e-mail you, but here's the link:
Many Thanks good sir.
Just found out about this and love the idea. I've got the banner up on my blog (still new) and will be writing up a piece on The Quick and the Dead for the 'thon. Can't wait!
I'll throw the banner up on my blog, and if you want I've got reviews of ARMY OF DARKNESS and DRAG ME TO HELL (both from a while ago) that I'd be happy to contribute.
Thanks to the both of you.
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